MathChain Forms Partnership with Konomi Network

2 min readJul 9, 2021

MathChain is pleased to announce our strategic partnership with Konomi Network, a cross-chain decentralized money market protocol supporting assets across multiple blockchains. Built using Polkadot’s Substrate, Konomi is positioning itself to become the Polkadot ecosystem’s preeminent money market protocol.

In this cooperation, the two parties will jointly work on cross-chain asset management solutions, connecting assets and applications of other public chains to the Polkadot ecosystem. Through the integration with MathWallet, Konomi provides users with high-quality asset lending, transactions, and the use of Polkadot token liquidity products. Konomi Lend will also add $MATH as a borrowed asset and provide the option to be a collateral base on the governance of the community. Another project by Konomi Network — Konomi Oracle, will help support $MATH for price feed.

MathWallet will also support Konomi’s parachain auction and crowd loans for the first time. MathChain will also leverage the multi-chain that MathWallet has built to launch MathHub, making over 50 public chain assets supported by MathWallet into the Polkadot ecosystem.

About Konomi Network

Konomi is a decentralized money market protocol built using Polkadot’s Substrate. Konomi is working to provide active money markets across the entirety of the Polkadot ecosystem, as well as expand and integrate into cross-chain networks. By introducing a fluid market for cross-chain crypto assets, Konomi hopes to provide an overall better user experience that is accessible regardless of the native network the end user prefers.

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About MathChain

MathChain is a layer 2 blockchain based on Substrate to allow for massive adoption, easy go-to-market, and inclusivity for diverse blockchain applications. Its core product is MathWallet, which has millions of users around the world.

MathWallet is a multi-platform universal crypto wallet that enables token storage of 60+ chains, including BTC, ETH, Polkadot, Filecoin, EOS, Solana, BinanceChain, and Cosmos. The project supports cross-chain token exchange, multi-chain dApp storage and operates nodes for POS chains.

MathChain is a selected project for the Parity Substrate Builders Program and Web 3.0 Bootcamp.

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Layer 2 blockchain based on Substrate, building by @MathWallet