MathChain Partners with Manta Network to Provide In-wallet Privacy

2 min readJun 29, 2021

We are pleased to announce that MathChain has reached a partnership with Manta Network, the first on-chain privacy-preserving protocol in Polkdadot.

MathChain will be working with Manta Network to integrate its privacy-preserving layer into Math Wallet and MathChain’s substrate-based wallet. MathChain will then be able to support privatized parachain assets using Manta Network’s ZKP-based privacy. MathChain and Manta will be jointly working on privacy research also, including research and development of privacy DEXs and integration with Math Wallet.

Furthermore, MathChain will be working with Manta Network to support Manta’s parachain auctions. The parachain auction support extends to both Polkadot and Kusama (Manta Network’s Kusama chain project is named Calamari — more details about this to come).

About Manta Network

Manta Network is the plug-and-play privacy-preservation protocol built to service the entire DeFi stack. Built on Substrate to leverage interoperability and zkSNARKs to leverage scalable privacy, Manta Network offers a suite of products and services that enable privacy for blockchain projects including privacy payment MantaPay and privacy decentralized exchange MantaSwap. As part of its own suite of products, Manta Network offers private payment and private decentralized exchange, MantaSwap.

About MathChain

MathChain is the Layer 2 blockchain based on Substrate.

Based on the 1M+ MathWallet users, MathChain is focusing on smart wallet, massive adoption, go-to-market and inclusive blockchain applications and will be a decentralized permissionless parachain powered L2, that allows easy interoperaibility with Polkadot / Ethereum / BSC / Filecoin / Rollups / EVM side chains.

MathChain has been selected as one of the ‘Parity Substrate Builders Program’ projects. Visit for more information.




Layer 2 blockchain based on Substrate, building by @MathWallet